Thursday, March 19, 2015

MCQs in Receptor Organs: Ear & Skin

Multiple Choice Questions : Ear and Skin.
These Multiple Choice Questions may facilitate your reading and to have better scores.
At the end of this MCQs you may find the answers for these questions

1. The audible frequencies to humans are in the range --
a] 2 - 20 Hz
b) 20 - 200 Hz
c] 20 - 2000 Hz
d] 20 -20000 Hz

2. The intensity of sound is measured using the scale --
a) decibel
b] Hertz
c] Mega Hertz
d] Meter

3. The lever system formed by the ear ossicles multiplies the force --
a] 3.3 times
b] 2.3 times
c) 1.3 times
d] 0.3 times

4. Permissible level (recognized by the industrial noise survey of India) for noise is --
a] 10 dB to 21 dB
b] 21 dB to 40 dB
c] 41 dB to 80 dB
d) 81dB to 120dB

5. Loud noises ranges above --
a] 40 dB
b] 70dB
c] 100 dB
d) 130dB

6. The skin is a major organ of the body forming ____ of its total mass
a] 2 %
b] 4%
c) 8 %
d] 10%

7. The skin is having an area between ____ .
a] 0.5 - 1.0 m2
b) 1.1 - 2.2 m2
c] 2.5 - 4.4 m2
d] 5 - 10 m2

8. ________ glands are found in the regions like axilla, areola, pubis, scrotum and perianal regions.
a) Apocrine
b] Merocrine
c] ceruminous
d] Sebaceous

9. Melanocytes possess the enzyme tyrosinase necessary for the synthesis of _______ from the amino acid called tyrosine.
a] Maltose
b) Melanin.
c] Photopsin
d] Cholesterol

10. The extreme degree of generalized hypo pigmentation leads to --
a] Melanoma
b] Leucoderma
c) Albinism
d] Dermatitis

11. An example for localized hypopigmentation --
a] Albinism
b] Eczema
c] Skin lesions
d) Vitiligo

12. Partial albinism causes --
a] melanoma
b] Vitiligo
c) Leucoderma
d] Dermatitis

13. Excessive exposure to Ultra Violet rays can cause -
a] vomitting
b) skin cancer
c] colour change
d] redness of eyes

14. Rag weed plant causes allergic responses and results in --
a) contact dermatitis
b] vitiligo
c] leprosy
d] all the above

15. The cochlear portion of the labyrinth is a tubule coiled _____ times.
a] 1.75
b) 2.75
c] 3.75
d] 4


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