Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MCQs in Muscles

Multiple Choice Questions in Muscles
These Multiple Choice Questions may facilitate your reading and to have better scores.
At the end of this MCQs you may find the answers for these questions

1. 1. The substance that destroys the muscle protein during rigor mortis is --
a) Proteolytic Enzymes
b) Mitochondrial Enzymes
c) Lysosome Enzymes
d) Esterases

2. The diameter of muscle fibre varies from ___.
a) 10 to 100 microns
b) 20 to 200 microns
c) 5 to 10 microns
d) 60 to 80 microns

3. ‘A’ band contains thick filament formed of ____.
a) Actin
b) Myosin
c) Lipids

4. The length of the thick filaments in ‘A’ band is ____.
a) 3.5 microns
b) 1.5 microns
c) 2.5 microns
d) 4 microns

5. ‘I’ band contains thin filaments formed of _____.
a) Myosin
b) Actin
c) Lipids

6. Less dense region at the central region of ‘A’ band is ___.
a) Z line
b) H Zone
c) M Zone
d) N Zone

7. The diameter of the thin filaments in ‘I’ band is _____.
a) 50'A
b) 60'A
c) 70'A
d) 40'A

8. Sliding-filament hypothesis was proposed by ___.
a) Hippocrates
b) Aristotle
c) Hanson & Huxley
d) Landsteiner &Wiener

9. _________ induces muscle fibre for contractions.
a) Ca+ ions
b) Dystropin
c) Acetyl Choline
d) Troponin

10. The maximum strength of contraction is _____.
a) 25 kg/
b) 3.5 kg/
c) 4.5 kg/
d) 1.5 kg/

11. Muscle fatigue is due to _____.
a) Fail to oxidation of glucose
b) Glycogen depletion
c) gluconeogenesis
d) Utilization urea

12. The skeletal muscle tone is the result of nerve impulses coming from ___.
a) Medulla oblongata
b) Cerebrum
c) Cerebellum
d) Spinal cord

13. Isometric exercise increases the thickness of the muscle fibres and their ability to store __.
a) Glucose
b) Lipids
c) Glycogen
d) Minerals

14. Myasthemia gravis disease can be cured by removal of the ____ gland with plasmaphoresis.
a) Pineal
c) Thymus gland
d) Adipose tissue

15. Myasthemia gravis most often affects women between the ages of _____.
a) 20 and 30
b) 30 and 40
c) 15 and 25
d) 40 and 50

16. During the muscle contraction Ca+ ions are released from –
a) Sarcolemma
b) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
c) Nerve
d) Myosin

17. The number of Skeletal muscles of an human is approximately --
a) 206
b) 300
c) 500
d) 700

18. Approximately skeletal Muscles constitutes ___ % of our body.
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) 50

19. A small segment of the myofibril is called as ______.
a) Sarcomere
b) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
c) Actin
d) Myosin

20. . Diameter of the each myofibril is from ___ to ___ microns.
a) 10, 15
b) 20, 30
c) 5, 10
d) 1, 3

21. Due to nervous induction ___ is released at the Neuro Muscular junction.
a) Pepsin
b) Dystropin
c) Acetyl Choline
d) Troponin

22. The overall process of controlling muscle contraction is called _____
a) muscle tone
b) rigor mortis
c) fatigue
d) excitation

23. Back pain is a common problem, caused by _____.
a) muscle tone
b) muscle pull
c) muscle fatigue
d) torsion

24. _____ exercise is best for developing large muscles.
a) Isometric
b) Isotonic
c) muscle fatigue
d) torsion

25. _____ exercise is best for cardio vascular system.
a) muscle fatigue
b) Isometric
c) torsion
d) Isotonic


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