Higher Secondary level Zoology kernels for your kind perusal.
2. Pentose sugars are - a] Amylase, Lipase b] Glucose, fructose c] Lactose, Triose d] Ribose, Deoxyribose
3. An example of Hexose sugars is - a] Deoxyribose b] Ribose c] Fructose d] Glycogen
4. A gram of Carbohydrate yields energy equivalent to - a] 41 calories b] 4.1 calories c] 2 calories d] 100 K.calories
5. Maltose forms due to the composition of - a] Glucose + Fructose b] Glucose + Glucose c] Glucose + Galactose d] Ribose + Glucose
6. Sucrose forms due to the composition of - a] Glucose + Fructose b] Glucose + Galactose c] Glucose + Glucose d] Ribose + fructose
7. Lactose forms due to the composition of - a] Glucose + water b] Glucose + Glucose c] Glucose + Fructose d] Glucose + Galactose
8. A Polysachharide is found in liver and Muscles: a] Glucose b] Glycogen c] ATP d] Vitamin
9. In food grains, starch is available as ____, _____ molecules - a] cellulose, ribose b] Pectin, Amylo pectin c] peptide, polypeptide d] lipid, protein
10. The building blocks of Proteins are _____ . a] Pentoses b] Amino acids c] Peptides d] Enzymes
11. An example for Functional proteins is ___. a] Lipids b] ATP c] Enzymes d] Glycogens
12. Daily requirement of protein of our body (recommended by ICMR and WHO] a] 2 gm /Kg body weight b] 2 mg /Kg body weight c] 1 gm /Kg body weight d] 4 gm /Kg body weight
13. An example for protein malnutrition -- . a] Mid-get b] Encephalitis c] Marasmus d] Scurvy
14. Kwashiorkar is the disease of malnutrition mainly due to reduction of - a] Lipids b] Cabohydrates c] Proteins d] Water
15. _____ is distinguishing factor between Kwashiorkar and Marasmus a] albinism b] Oedema c] Weakness d] None
16. A gram of Lipid yields energy equivalent to ____ . a] 9.3 calories b] 4.1 calories c] 2 calories d] 100 K.calories
17. Visual perception is important role of the vitamin ___. a] E b] A c] C d] D
18. Blood coagulation is aided by the vitamin ____. a] E b] C c] K d] A
19. Sunshine vitamin is____. a] Calciferol b] Niacin c] Vitamin E ] Vitamin B
20. Nourishment to nerve cells is provided by the Vitamin ____. a] C b] B2 c] A d] B1.
21. This amino acid can not be synthesised in our body a] Alanine b] Asparagine c] Glutamine d] Tryptophan
22. An example for Non - essential amino acid -- a] Arginine b] Valine c] Glutamine d] Histidine
23. The Poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA] are abundant in ____. a] Coconut Oil b] Sunflower oil c] Castor oil d] crude oil
24. Rejuvenation of tissues are done by the vitamin a] Vitamin D b] Niacin c] Vitamin E d] Vitamin B
25. The process of maturation of erythrocytes is due to _________. a] Vitamin B12 b] Niacin c] Vitamin A d] Vitamin B6
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