Higher Secondary level Zoology kernels for your kind perusal.
2. The average intake of water in a day is around _______ . a] 2500 ml/day (as water 1400 ml] b] 1500 ml/day (as water 1000 ml] c] 1000 ml/day (as water 400 ml] d] 500 ml/day (as water 400 ml]
3. The minerals required for body building activities such as formation of bones and teeth are -- a] Iron, Cobalt and Iodine b] Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus c] Manganese, Copper, Zinc d] Chlorine, Sodium and Potassium
4. The neuro-muscular irritability requires the following minerals -- a] Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium b] Iron, Cobalt and Iodine c] Manganese, Copper, Zinc d] Chlorine, Sodium and Potassium
5. Which mineral is found to be necessary for blood clotting ? a] Iron b] Iodine c] Cobalt d] Calcium
6. Which mineral is found to be necessary for Oxygen transport ? a] Iridium b] Iodine c] Iron d] Zinc
7. Dermatitis around eyes, nose and behind the ears are caused due to deficiency of _____ a] Pyridoxine b] Calciferol c] Vitamin A d] Niacin
8. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes -- a] Nyctalopia b] Xerophthalmia c] Osteomalacia d] Pellagra
9. Pellagra is caused by the deficiency of _____ . a] Vitamin D b] Niacin c] Vitamin E d] Protein
10. Pernicious anaemia is caused by the deficiency of _____ . a] Vitamin B12 b] Vitamin B6 c] Vitamin B2 d] Vitamin B1
11. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 Causes ____. a] Beri beri b] Scurvy c] Pellagra d] Nyctalopia
12. Appearance of Bitot’s spot in the cornea might happen due to deficiency of ____ a] Vitamin K b] Vitamin D c] Vitamin E d] Vitamin A
13. __________ serves as a co-enzyme and co-factor in oxidative metabolism. a] Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6] b] Biotin (Vitamin B] c] Chlorine d] Fat
14. The belly region will appear enlarged for the children affected by ______. a] Kwashiorkar b] Marasmus c] Scurvy d] Pellagra
15. The Calorie requirement for IRM at heavy work during occupational activities is __ a] 110 calories b] 750 calories c] 2200 calories d] 960 calories
16. The caloric requirement for IRW at heavy work during occupational activities ___. a] 610 calories b] 900 Calories c] 820 calories d] 1800 Calories
17. The Basal Metabolism (BMR] for sedentary work of IRM is___. a] 460 calories b] 900 Calories c] 820 calories d] 354 Calories
18. Lack of vitamin___ causesfissures appear at edges of the mouth. a] Vitamin B1 b] Vitamin B2 c] Vitamin B6 b] Vitamin C
19. In the absence of which vitamin the collagen and connective tissue proteins are not synthesized properly ? a] Vitamin A b] Vitamin C c] Vitamin D d] Vitamin K
20. Lack of this vitamin leads to haemorrhagic manifestations. a] Vitamin A b] Vitamin C c] Vitamin K d] Vitamin D
21. Normal metabolism of amino acids and fat are due to _____. a] Vitamin B1 b] Vitamin B2 c] Vitamin B12 d] Vitamin B6
22. Nourishment to nerve cells is provided by ____. a] Vitamin B1 b] Vitamin B2 c] Vitamin K d] Vitamin D
23. What is the Body Mass Index of 70 kg person with a height of 180 cm ___. a] 25.6 b] 20.6 c] 22.6 d] 21.6
24. The minerals actively engaged in the cardiac functions are _______ and _____ . a] Potassium and Calcium b] Iron and Iodine c] Chlorine and Manganese d] Glycine and Valine
25. The Basal Metabolism (BMR] for sedentary work of IRW is ______. a] 680 calories b] 1084 calories c] 484 calories d] 354 Calories
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